Each semester, the TCSA holds Clubs & Groups Day, during which Trent students can view and interact with the many student-run clubs and groups on campus.

Our next Clubs & Groups Day will be held on Tuesday, September 12th, 2023 from 10am to 2pm on Bata Podium.

Clubs and groups registered with the TCSA can sign up for a table through this form. We will have 100 spots total. Each club who registers will be supplied with one (1) table and two (2) chairs. Please ensure that club members will be available to set-up, staff, and take-down your station.

Once you register, you will receive information about set-up times closer to the date of the event. Email if you have any questions.


By signing up for Clubs & Groups Day, I understand that I will be representing my organization and that my submission will be representative of my organization. Therefore, WE will abide by the following:

  1. Audio/Visual aids will be permitted to be used during the event, with the understanding that the contents will not be discriminatory or inappropriate according to Trent's Discrimination and Harassment Policy (

  2. In the event that our contents make others feel uncomfortable and complaints are filed, WE understand that:

    1. Upon the first complaint, WE will be asked to change our content to remove the offending media if the complaints are deemed appropriate by the TCSA.

    2. If a second appropriate complaint is received, WE will remove our audio/visual aids for the remainder of the event.

    3. If a third appropriate complaint is received, WE will remove ourselves and our organization from participating in the event, effective immediately. Being asked to leave may also impact our future ability to participate in Clubs and Groups events.