SAID and HOLA are so excited to announce this year's Latin American Film Festival! We have a fantastic lineup of movies and plenty of snacks!
Grab a blanket and join us from October 30th to November 3rd. We can't wait to see you there!
Monday, October 30th | 5pm-7pm in ENW 103 | Movie: Nobody's Watching
Wednesday, November 1st | 5pm-7pm in Bata 103 | Movie: Spider Thieves
Thursday, November 2nd | 5pm-7pm in Champlain 307 | Movie: Un Traductor
Friday, November 3rd | 3pm-7pm in Bata 203 | Movies: Los Lobos & Chinese Takeaway (Double Feature)
About Los Lobos: Max and Leo are 8 and 5 years old and have just immigrated to the US with their mother. Their days pass inside a tiny apartment, while they wait for their mother to come back, as they hold on to the hope of traveling to Disney. Max will have to grow up prematurely in order to understand his mothers motivations.