Calling all salsa lovers!
Curious about seed saving but not sure how to get started? Ever wonder how to enhance your own self sufficiency and food sovereignty? Then this event is for you! Join the Trent Student Seed Savers and Trent Vegetable Gardens for a delicious and informative workshop.
Friday, September 15th from 10am to 12pm at the Trent Vegetable Gardens at 2120 East Bank Drive, behind the DNA building.
Participants will learn about the basics of saving seed from master seed saver, Catriona Henderson, and be introduced to the groups on campus educating students on sustainable agriculture and working to enhance student food sovereignty and food literacy. This hands-on workshop will include a garden tour and harvesting activity, plus a live demonstration on saving tomato seeds. Participants will make a delicious salsa fresca with campus-grown vegetables and enjoy this delectable snack together in the garden.