Monday, January 27, 2020
6:30pm to 9:30pm
Stohn Hall (TSC 1.22)
Decolonizing therapy will be an interactive workshop facilitated by Dr. Jennifer Mullan, also known as @decolonizingtherapy on Instagram. The workshop will provide participants with an understanding of intergenerational trauma and how to approach mental health/healing from a decolonialized lens.
Dr. Jennifer Mullan has over 15 years of experience in clinical practice, higher education, teaching, and non-profit management, with a focus on social justice and inclusion issues. She works with people to create spaces within themselves, and within organizations, to heal. Part of the journey towards healing involves dismantling systemic and internalized oppression, which she identifies as the decolonization of our minds, bodies, and spirits. She is passionate about working with people to create containers of wellness, equity, and elevated consciousness through workshops, retreats, classes, coaching, and consulting. She is passionately committed to building coalitions and solidarity work that effectively address inequities based on race, gender, class, ability, and sexual orientation.
Her professional research and clinical interests include politicized therapy, complex and intergenerational trauma, group psychotherapy, LGBTQIA wellness, spirituality and mindfulness practices, intersectionality, racism as trauma, and healing violence as a public health issue in communities of colour.
All are welcome. Free to attend.
Click here to view the Facebook event page.