Peterborough Transit has been in the process of updating the city transit routes and we would like to share information about what Trent students, staff, and faculty can expect for September 2021. There will be seven (7) routes travelling to campus from various areas of the city:
Direct bus service to West Bank (Bata Loop):
Route #3 Park - Mid-city to campus
Route #6 Sherbrooke: Cross-city to campus via downtown terminal
Route #8 Monaghan: North end and mid-city to campus via the hospital and Lansdowne Place mall
Route #11 Water (*NEW*): Downtown terminal direct to campus
Route #11A (*NEW*): Traill College direct to campus, weekdays only
Direct bus service to East Bank (Gzowski Loop):
Route #7/7A Lansdowne: East side of river and Lansdowne to campus
Route #9 Parkhill: Parkhill and west side of city to campus
Detailed route and schedule information will be available on the Peterborough Transit website:
Google Maps Trip Planning
Peterborough Transit is on Google Maps! Plan your trips and travel times easily with Google Maps on your Internet browser or Google Maps app. Simply input your starting and final destinations into Google Maps, select the bus/transit icon, and you’ll be presented with the location of your closest transit stop, the length of your travel time, the bus routes you can take, and when the next bus(es) will arrive to your closest transit stop(s).
Bus Etiquette and Safety
We kindly ask that you respect your fellow students and community members while riding the bus. Here are some tips on how you can help to keep the transit system operating smoothly:
Have your transit pass ready to clearly present to the driver when boarding
Drivers are monitoring the number of riders who board buses to help with physical distancing. Some seats may not be in service to help with distancing.
To allow for single direction of traffic flow onboard the bus, please enter through the front door and exit through the back door. Riders with mobility accommodations will continue to access the front door ramp.
Please wear your mask while on the bus and use hand sanitizer
Be aware of those around you and be conscious of your conversations and actions. When finding a place on the bus, keep an eye out for areas with extra space and respect fellow riders’ personal areas when moving about the bus.
Help keep buses clean by taking any garbage with you when you exit the bus
Give yourself extra travel time; drivers try their best to stay on schedule but some delays are unavoidable.